Angel from Montgomery


"Angel from Montgomery" is a song written by John Prine and first recorded by Bonnie Raitt for her 1974 album Streetlights. The song is about a worn-out housewife who longs for a life of adventure. She reminisces about her youth, when she was "wild and free," and how she now feels "trapped like a dove" in her mundane existence. Despite its downbeat subject matter, the song has a catchy melody and wistful lyrics that have resonated with listeners for decades. Raitt's version of the song was nominated for a Grammy Award, and it has been covered by many other artists, including Emmylou Harris andSheryl Crow. "Angel from Montgomery" remains one of Raitt's most popular songs and is considered one of John Prine's most enduring compositions. I love playing it on ukuele. Here are the ukulele chords for Angel from Montgomery

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