I Lava You a cute ukulele song


Lava is a heartwarming story of love against all odds. Uku, a lonely volcano, sings out to the ocean in search of a companion. Hissong is answered by Napua Greig, who voices the female volcano. The two quickly fall in love and begin to dream of a future together. However, their happiness is cut short when Uku slowly begins to dry up and sink into the ocean. Though their time together was brief, the love between these two volcanoes is eternal. The film ends on a hopeful note, as Uku's lava returns and he comes back above the sea. The message of the film is that love can blossom in the most unlikely of places, and that even though things may change, love never dies. This is perfectly encapsulated in the lyrics of the song, which state: "I lava you, I lava you". No matter what happens, the love between these two volcanoes will never be extinguished. Learn Lava on ukulele here: I Lava You Ukulele: how love blossoms with a fiery heart - Mahalo Music Mag

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